
美国.S. Department of Education require that institutions ensure that financial aid funds are used to pay for courses that apply to a student’s degree program.

课程学习计划(CPoS)是指获得学位所需的所有课程.  Only courses that count toward your program of study can be considered when determining aid eligibility for federal, 国家和机构资金. Courses must be required for degree completion in order for those courses to count toward enrollment status requirements for aid.

Taking classes that are not in your 课程学习计划 for your officially declared major may result in a reduction or cancellation to your overall financial aid package.

作为一名学生, academic advisors are available to you to assist with discussing your short-term and long-term educational goals, ODU最适合你的学位, and planning your courses each term to help you complete your declared degree as efficiently and effectively as possible.

你必须正式宣布你的专业,并在你的学生记录中注明. 如果你打算申报或改变你的专业, 但还没有这样做, 你应该立即咨询你的学术顾问. Do not register for classes toward the new major until the update to your official degree is reflected in Banner and Degree Works.

Courses can only be determined to be eligible based on the officially declared major as noted on your student record. 更改不能追溯, and most changes will not be approved once a determination is made that a course is not financial aid eligible.

Financial aid awards are based on the assumption that students will enroll full-time in eligible coursework during the Fall and Spring semesters. 非全日制的入学计划必须通过提交 学生资助调整表. 这将重新计算每学期的经济援助奖励. 然而, 在很多情况下, 注册至少半小时的学生仍可获得经济援助. 在发放经济资助时, ODU需要计算所有注册学期的出勤成本(COA). Students will not be awarded beyond their COA for each term, or for the academic year as a whole. 更改学生的COA可能会导致助学金的更改, 因为援助总额不能超过出席费用.

Remember that dropping or not attending your courses can negatively impact your eligibility for current and/or future aid. It is important that you discuss your 课程学习计划 with your advisor when you enroll each semester. 如果你的学位课程没有在Banner中正确列出, 和你的指导老师一起工作,让他们知道你想换专业的请求. Do not register for classes toward the new major/minor/concentration until the update to your official degree on records is reflected in Banner. Do not register for classes toward the new major/minor/concentration until the update to your official degree on records is reflected in Banner.

联系 your academic advisor to discuss options if your financial aid has been reduced due to enrollment in courses that do not apply towards outstanding requirements in your 课程学习计划.

Students may only receive federal/state financial aid for outstanding coursework that counts towards their officially declared program of study.

Only undergraduate courses may be included in enrollment for degree-seeking undergraduate students for financial aid awarding.

Only graduate courses may be included in enrollment for degree-seeking graduate students for financial aid awarding.

入学水平  本科 研究生
全职 每学期12个学分以上 每学期9个学分以上
3/4的时间 每学期9-11学分 每学期6-8学分 
1/2的时间 每学期6-8学分 每学期4-5学分
*小于1/2的时间 每学期1-5学分 每学期1-3学分


*Note that students enrolled in less than half time may not be eligible for most aid, loans included.

If your financial aid has been reduced due to enrollment in coursework that does not apply towards outstanding requirements in your program of study, 你应该联系你的学术顾问来讨论你的学术选择. 否则,如果你对财政援助有疑问,请联系财政援助 FA咨询@3111427.com.


  • If you are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant and enroll in 12 hours and only 9 of the 12 hours are required towards your officially declared program of study, 联邦佩尔助学金将减少到四分之三的时间奖励,以9小时为基础.
  • 联邦直接贷款要求至少一半的注册时间, 6 or more credit hours of enrollment for all undergraduate students and 4 or more credit hours of enrollment for graduate students. If you are enrolled in 6 undergraduate credit hours and only 3 of the 6 hours are required for your program of study, 你没有资格获得联邦直接贷款.

以前通过的课程(成绩D或以上)只能重修一次. 像这样, students repeating previously passed courses for a second time after receiving a grade of D or higher may experience reduced eligibility for financial aid.

Repeated courses also affect satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid eligibility. A repeated course (along with the original attempt) is counted towards the maximum attempted credits hours and completion rate requirement.


  • Student takes English 101 and earns a “D” = Financial aid disburses for this course (as long as the student is meeting all aid eligibility requirements).
  • Student takes English 101 again and earns an “F” = Financial aid disburses for this course (as long as the student is meeting all aid eligibility requirements).
  • Student takes English 101 again = Since this is the second time the student has repeated this course after receiving a passing grade in the course, the student’s financial aid may be affected because this course is no longer considered an “aid-eligible” course.


  • Student takes ENGL 110 and earns a D for the course = Financial aid disburses for this course (as long as the student is meeting all aid eligibility requirements).
  • 这个学生重修了这门课,得了C. 这是2nd time after receiving a passing grade and financial aid will disburse for this course (as long as the student is meeting all aid eligibility requirements).
  • 学生重修这门课得3分rd 我花了很多时间,却得了B. 助学金将不包括这门课程,助学金可能会受到影响.